Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas

We’d like to wish all of our readers a happy Christmas, and a better new year.

We’d also like to add our thanks to all key workers, especially those working for the NHS, and also the wide range of workers who have continued supporting us during this difficult year, such as the refuse collectors, posties and other groups too numerous to mention.

All major supermarkets have decided to remain closed on Boxing Day which means that many workers will be enjoying their first Boxing Day with their families for many years. Many, who have become used to working on both Christmas Eve and Boxing Day had hoped to visit family members lying further afield than in previous years, with more time to travel. The Christmas restrictions have dashed those hopes for many, but we wish them a happy Boxing Day despite that.

Our continued thanks to them.

Many thanks to our regular reading for their interest and support, especially to those who have supported our work by buying by clicking on links on the website. Their support helps us to keep the website going.

Christmas restrictions mean that travel that would normally take place over a two week period is likely to be condensed into a single day, with the potential for congestion and delays. So we hope that you will stay safe from COVID and on the roads!
